Mini habit practicing is a strategy for personal development that involves incorporating very small, easily achievable habits into your daily routine. The concept was popularized by Stephen Guise in his book “Mini Habits: Smaller Habits, Bigger Results.” The idea behind mini habits is to lower the barrier to starting a new habit by making the habit so small that it feels effortless to do, which reduces resistance and increases the likelihood of consistency.

Key Principles of Mini Habit Practicing: Click Here to Get your Free Assessment

  1. Start Small:
    • A mini habit is a tiny, almost laughably easy version of a desired habit. For example, instead of committing to doing 50 push-ups a day, you might start with just one push-up. The goal is so small that it’s hard to say no to it.
  2. Consistency Over Intensity:
    • The power of mini habits lies in the fact that they are easy to do consistently. Over time, the consistent practice of a mini habit can lead to the development of a larger habit without overwhelming you.
  3. Build Momentum:
    • Because mini habits are so easy to do, they help build momentum. Once you’ve completed your mini habit, you often find yourself doing more than you initially planned. For example, if your mini habit is to write 50 words a day, you might end up writing 500 once you get started.
  4. Focus on Behavior, Not Results:
    • The primary focus is on the behavior itself, not the outcome. By consistently practicing the behavior, even in its smallest form, you create a solid foundation for the habit to grow naturally.
  5. Eliminate Perfectionism:
    • Mini habits remove the pressure of perfectionism because the goal is so small that it’s hard to fail. This reduces the likelihood of procrastination and self-criticism.
  6. Build Confidence:
    • Achieving your mini habit every day builds confidence and a sense of accomplishment. Over time, this boosts your motivation and encourages you to take on larger challenges.


Examples of Mini Habits:

  • Exercise: Instead of committing to a full workout, start with one push-up or a 5-minute walk.
  • Reading: Aim to read just one page of a book each day.
  • Writing: Write 50 words a day instead of setting a lofty goal like writing an entire chapter.
  • Meditation: Meditate for just one minute instead of aiming for 20 or 30 minutes.
  • Healthy Eating: Eat one piece of fruit a day, rather than overhauling your entire diet.

How to Implement Mini Habits:

  1. Choose Your Mini Habit:
    • Pick a habit you want to develop and shrink it down to the smallest version possible. Make it so easy that you can’t talk yourself out of doing it.
  2. Set a Daily Goal:
    • Your goal should be to complete your mini habit every day. The key is consistency.
  3. Track Your Progress:
    • Use a habit tracker or a simple checklist to mark off each day you complete your mini habit. This visual reminder can be motivating.
  4. Celebrate Successes:
    • Even though the habit is small, take time to celebrate your consistency and progress. This positive reinforcement encourages you to keep going.
  5. Gradually Expand:
    • As you build momentum and confidence, you can naturally expand your mini habit into a larger one. However, the core idea is that the mini habit itself is enough to create change over time.

Mini habit practicing is a powerful way to make lasting changes without overwhelming yourself, making it an excellent approach for anyone looking to build new habits and improve their life